Saturday, March 13, 2010

As a Child

Faith as a child
Is what we are called to have.
The questions they ask
“Who?” and “How?”
But most importantly, “WHY?”

Give them an answer
They accept without doubt, without fear
With many more questions
But faith in the Truth.

Faith in the Truth, You call us to have
Faith in the Truth, now and forever.

Faith as a child
Accepting Your way.
Growing in Truth
Every step of the way.

Show me more, teach me how.
I believe what You say
You love me, I know
Teach me more of the Kingdom.

Faith in the Truth, You call us to have
Faith in the Truth, now and forever.

As a child longs
For his father's embrace
So also, do I long
To be near to You.

I long for Your love
I long for Your Truth
I long for the faith as a child
We are called to have.

Faith in the Truth, You call us to have
Faith in the Truth, now and forever.

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